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Above Atlas


The word Atlas has many meanings.

The chiropractic profession uses it to describe the first cervical vertebrae, C1, the uppermost bone of the spinal column, that holds up the skull and brain above it.

The dictionary defines Atlas as a group of maps, guides, graphs or charts.

Mythology holds Atlas as a fallen titan, sentenced to an eternity of carrying the world and heavens on his shoulders.

The concept of Above Atlas comes from a combination of these things. Majority of the problems we face in life are in fact, "above atlas." They are thought patterns, behaviors, habits, perceptions and worldviews that produce very real, felt, experiences. In the challenging seasons of life, we all need a guide, a map, a direction to aim. The road less traveled to overcome struggles in a meaningful way. Hear the words spoken by the titan Atlas upon receiving the task of carrying the world on his back. "I ask not for lighter burdens, but for broader shoulders."

Above Atlas Nutrition & Performance's mission seeks to fill a void in the health space, for men and women alike to understand what it takes to be healthy outside of the allopathic medical model of disease management and lead their family down a different path.

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Above Atlas

Nutrition & Performance, PLLC

(501) 339 - 5939


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Images courtesy of Bondoc Productions, Kelly Kate Photography, Bonnie Mae Freeland

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